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IP block concern

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I concur regarding the utterly useless support pages.  I have a Windows error message that tells me there are TWO identical IP address on my network.  Is my computer being "ghosted" ??  Scans continue to tell me NO threats...Cannot figure out how or whom to contact at MWB...

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4 hours ago, BenHacked said:

I concur regarding the utterly useless support pages.  I have a Windows error message that tells me there are TWO identical IP address on my network.  Is my computer being "ghosted" ??  Scans continue to tell me NO threats...Cannot figure out how or whom to contact at MWB...

You may use the form on the bottom of the page I linked to above, however it would be best to seek help either there or in your own topic since this topic is specifically about license issues, not about possible infections or duplicate IP addresses on a network.  If you suspect that it may be related to an infection you may either contact Support as mentioned or seek help in the malware removal area by following the instructions in this topic and then creating a new topic in the malware removal area by clicking here including the logs and information requested in the first link and one of our malware removal specialists will assist you in checking your system for threats and removing them if found.

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