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I am unaware of any AdwareMedic for iOS. If you actually have such a thing then:

  1. Lightly touch and hold any app on the screen until the app icons jiggle. If the apps don’t jiggle, make sure you’re not pressing too hard.
  2. Tap the circled "X" Close button on the app you want to remove, then tap Delete.
  3. Tap Done (iPhone X and later) or press the Home button (other models).

If you are referring to AdwareMedic for macOS:

  • Just dragging it to your Trash Can will prevent it from ever being used and there are no background processes you need to worry about.
  • If you insist on eliminating all traces then there are two or three other places:

~/Library/Application Support/AdwareMedic folder

~/Library/Application Support/com.thesafemac.adwaremedic folder


where "~" indicates your home folder at /Users/<YourUserName>. The Library folder may be invisible, in which case go to Finder and select "Library" from the Go menu.

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