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Cloud Down-- Up Any Time Soon?


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Our engineering team is doing all they can to restore services. I cannot promise an ETA at this time, but I assure you we are all doing everything we can to get this issue resolved ASAP. This is a high priority for all of us here at Malwarebytes in Support and Engineering. We appreciate your patience!

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  • 3 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, Howiedoit said:

Its DOWN again......for maintenance......seriously..in the middle of the day?  Why would you do that? And when is it going to be back up. I have things to do, during the day.....so now is the time.

This is partially my fault.  I was in the middle of using it because I am having to reinstall clients that are “offline”.  It only seems to happen when I need it, so please accept my apologies.

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Ok...thats a wild answer.....I get that this is not a "technical issue" per se? And perhaps it is working somewhere else for others. But where I am, I am in LIMBO.

I should have never gone to the cloud, I had an uneasy feeling about this cloud crap and it has come home to roost.

I hate cloud in times like this, where I have zero control.



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14 minutes ago, Howiedoit said:

Either way, I would like to know if there is going to be a next time.

And....WHY...is this Maintenance done in the middle of the day?

Almost end of day here now, so whatever I WAS going to do now has to wait until tomorrow.

not a happy camper.

I’m with you about it being annoying, but for whatever it’s worth, this doesn’t appear to be “scheduled maintenance”.  As nice and refreshing as it would be to hear “we f’d something up, and we might get to it to fix it at some point”, the money people probably would t like it too much.

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Well......if it wasn't a "regular scheduled maintenance item", then WE ALL need to know what happened, why it happened, and what is being done so that it does not happen again.

I can agree that the middle of the day was a bad idea...so an Unschedule outage needs to be explained.

When I buy an Enterprise Product I expect Enterprise Support and Uptime. I am not seeing that.

I guess my support level doesn't warrant any immediate response from support...maybe I'l hear back next week? That would work...right.....why not. Who needs to know why something I pay thousands of dollars for doesn't work.

Lets just go take nap and call it a day.


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2 hours ago, djacobson said:

Hi guys, what is your timezone? Cloud site maintenance is done at 5pm Eastern Time and can effect Pacific and APAC regions during the middle of their days.

Thanks, but that can’t be right— No one schedules maintenance during hours?

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Our developers are mainly in Clearwater Florida, 5pm Eastern is indeed our typical maintenance time. Emails are sent out to warn admins, using the emails which setup the logins of the Cloud portal. Unannounced maintenance can happen if there is an urgent problem.

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