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Extension Record of Blocked Sites?


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Currently have 1.0.44 version installed on Chrome 74.0.3749.108 & Windows 10 Home 1809 64 bit

Just a curious question, was wondering if this extension keeps a record / list of blocked websites?

I thought they might be in the Settings page, or possibly the sirius.mwbsys.com <- I assume this is the extension browser cookie

The reason I'm asking, is I've had a few sites that came up the warning "Site Blocked by Malwarebytes Browser Extension"

I just back paged or closed the tab and didn't bookmark them

A side note, this extension works wonderfully, keep up the good work

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Unfortunately the extension doesn't currently keep a log of blocked sites, however I have submitted a request that they add this functionality so hopefully they will in the future.

As for editing, it is disabled for most users due to a setting to help curb the spammers that the forums were frequently bombarded by (many per day at its worst and now thanks to the changes they made there are maybe a few per month, often even less).

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Thank you, exile360 for the reply

Some sort of record for the blocked site either url or domain to view, like Malwarebyes Premium does with the reports and bell would a great feature.

I have the Send anonymous telemetry to Malwarebytes checked, so there is sort of a record.

Also, I would like to suggest an "Check for Updates" for the extension, if that would be possible

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9 hours ago, exile360 said:

Yeah, it handles updates through the cloud obviously, and as for new versions, you can either let your browser handle those on its default schedule or you can check for updates manually in the extensions management interface.

Thank you again exile360, I completely forgot about the Browser Extension plugin / extension updates 

Drawback of old age, I guess

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I'm rapidly approaching 59 years young 😮

I do have more question, this might have already been asked, and I missed it going through the threads.

But, is it acceptable to run Malwarbytes Browser extension along side uBlock Origin extension?  

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