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Android Call Protection

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Since Google will no longer allow the Malwarebytes Call Protection feature on the android Malwarebytes app, can Malwarebytes please make this feature in a dedicated separate stand alone app for Android? It appears Google's requirement now is that "anti-virus / security use cases are no longer permitted to access these permissions", but it seems a completely separate app that does not handle an "antivirus / security" functions would be possible.

Malwarebytes reason for removal: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2981

There are other apps in the Play Store which are still available that handle this specific function and only this function however I would rather use a trusted Malwarebytes app for this purpose.

Since Malwarebytes already has this functionality and database from its previous version, why not extend it to a new dedicated app for call protection?

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I like it.  I'd market it as a sort of 'add-on'/'value-add' feature/application similar to how Microsoft markets their Windows Defender Browser Protection extension for Chromium based browsers to augment their Windows antivirus application (even though it appears to function separately from their AV, not even requiring it to be installed and is really more like SmartScreen for Chrome than anything, but still useful and logical as an add-on for their AV protection).

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