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Initial email not received

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I signed up - and paid for - 2 computers at 2 years. The trial version I am using on my computer switched to the full premium version - great.

During the purchase process it said I would receive an email with further instructions; I never received that email. Now I want to install the Premium version on my other computer, and I don't know how, because I'm assuming those instructions would have been in the initial email. (Yes I checked spam and other folders).

I tried logging onto My Account and it says I'm not a registered user, but if I go to setup an account, it says I already exist.


Thank you.


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Hi  @JRWoelfel    :welcome:

When was the subscription purchase made ?   Are you super sure you had typed in your email address all perfect?

( It is not unheard of that folks might make one singe character mis-type on Email address ).    ( an by the way, do not put your email information or personal information or License Key here on this forum.)

You report one computer does have Malwarebytes ( I assume on a Windows pc).    Does it show on the program Dashboard as Premium?

If yes, I would suggest you look on it and see whether it shows the License   ( presuming you have done the License Activation).

You can install the Malwarebytes program on the 2nd pc the same way you have done on the first.

See this link on the Support site  https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1141


Look on that first machine.  Just to see if you have done the license activation.

Start Malwarebytes.  Click Settings.   Click the tab "Account Details".   Do you see Edition Premium ?


I would encourage you, if you have not already done so, to create a Help Ticket with Support.   This forum can only provide you generic type help.

Please go to this link   https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/contactsupport/pages/home-support

Provide the detail and submit the ticket.






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