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We currently license and use Malwarebytes for Business. One of our security people wanted us to run a scan on an endpoint using the Malwarebyte's AdwCleaner. Would this be a waste of time or does this actually look for and potentially clean up things that Malwarebyte's for Business doesn't?

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Yes, ADWCleaner has its own database and heuristics detection capabilities so it actually does target several PUP items that Malwarebytes does not currently.  I believe that eventually they do plan to integrate ADWCleaner's capabilities into Malwarebytes, however for the time being the two programs are still separate and ADWCleaner is still useful as an on-demand second opinion scanner even when using Malwarebytes on an endpoint.

I hope that clears things up and if there is anything else we might assist you with please don't hesitate to let us know.


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