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Intrusion Detection System

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Malwarebytes does offer some level of intrusion detection in their Endpoint Protection and Response business product, however it is for businesses only, not consumers.  It includes breach remediation capabilities including their proprietary Malwarebytes Forensic Timeliner Administrator Guide application.  You can learn more about it here and you can compare their offerings here and if you're still not sure which solution would best suit your needs you may contact Sales here and they can discuss your environment and needs and determine which offering(s) might best fit your environment and what you're trying to accomplish.

With all of that said, Malwarebytes does not offer any kind of HIPS solution if that's what you're looking for, though they do include extensive targeted behavior based detection and protection technologies in their products for specific attack vectors (like exploits and ransomware), and for consumers at least, Malwarebytes did recently acquire Binisoft including their Windows Firewall Control application.  I do not know if they have any plans to offer the firewall to their business customers/as a part of their business solutions or not, but as far as I know it's mainly for consumers/individual endpoints at this time.

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else we might assist you with please don't hesitate to let us know.


Edited by AdvancedSetup
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