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daily threat in my Apple browser


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As secretary of a foundation for the common good one of my email- addresses is mentioned on the website of the foundation.

Since two weeks I'll receive - apparently from myself- a notification that my account is hacked and I have to provide bitcoins to some nutter.

Malwarebytes does not recognize this as an apparent hack- attempt.

Still I wonder, is there anything to prevent this daily nuisance? 

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This is purely a scam and they send those emails out en masse hoping one or two bite at the bait.  

Just delete the email and then change your email password to a new Strong Password just to make sure.

Additionally, you can enter your email address(es) in the following site and it will check to see if that email address was part of a known breach.


Please reference:
US FBI PSA - Extortionists Increasingly Using Recipients' Personal Information To Intimidate Victims
US FTC Consumer Information - How to avoid a Bitcoin blackmail scam
MyOnlinesecurity - attempted-blackmail-scam-watching-porn
BleepingComputer - Beware of Extortion Scams Stating They Have Video of You on Adult Sites
Malwarebytes' Blog - Sextortion emails: They’re probably not watching you
Malwarebytes Forum sample thread - Got strange threating email.
Malwarebytes Forum FYI thread - FYI: Email Ransom Scam still current


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