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Please provide process to remove a website from the blacklist


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Please post the formal process for removing a site blocked due to reputation.  How does a site report it after an issue is fixed?  What factors are considered for reputation blocks?  How long does the removal of reputation block process take?  Please advise.

Our website is http://www.imersiongis.com


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It depends on when the update went out, but usually it shouldn't take too long.  That said, if you still see the site being blocked even well after it's been whitelisted/removed from the database then it could be an issue with your browser or system cache such as the DNS cache or website history needing to be cleared.  You can do this manually or through a tool such as CCleaner.  If after that the block still persists then try restarting the system, but generally clearing the cache does the job.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, apparently I allowed goldderby to access all my content. I cannot figure out how to remove/block, whatever I need to use to get rid of this. Help! Please use simple directions.







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