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  • Root Admin

Yes, I do see a huge log of password resets. However, I do not see any reason for it based on the forums itself. Can you try using a different browser?

Maybe shut down the computer. Unplug, and replug each of the devices such as mouse cable, keyboard cable, printer, etc. Then power back on and see if that helps

Is the computer showing any signs of an infection?


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Hi guys and thanks a lot for your assistance.

2 of my private computers had g*.tmp.exe issue which was the reason I signed up in the first place.

They have been cleaned thanks to the forum.

The log in issue occurs also in my work computer both on chrome and ie.

OK, I'm now at work (help desk BTW) and I just signed up to a random site and did several sign outs and sign ins without any problem with chrome.

I don't believe but Perhaps google password aid is causing this... - I'm signed in to chrome with my google account of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

omg omg omg - it's display name, not registered email address!!! 😔😔😔

I don't believe it, this is so embracing!!

With that admitted, in the login logs it doesn't show I put email instead of display name?

Also, maybe you should accept also email address there.

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