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safeshare screeenshare tool website blocked


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I'm receiving the above when trying to check it?

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21 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:


The site was blocked for a Trojan downloader. The site owner needs to clean the site and then re-submit

Trojan.Downloader on 2019-03-01 07


Actually the site owner doesn’t need to do anything you need to update your anti-virus to stop incorrectly detecting the site. Non of the files on our server contain any malware or trojans what so ever our service has been running for years and not once had a user ever had malware installed on there pc by us. 

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33 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

We will review again tonight, but even Microsoft SmartScreen did not like one of your pages.


I will contact them immediately Microsoft whitelist’s all of our software on there anti-virus as we connect them every time we compile. I have countless clean submissions from Microsoft they have never once refused to whitelist our software. 

Could you please provide me with the page which windows smart screen does not like? I will need a specific URL.

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1 hour ago, AdvancedSetup said:


Doesn't look like that file is there at this time or if it is it's not associated to allow public download


That file was removed a while ago and does not contain a virus it is due to the obfuscator wr used to use. The executable was packed with confuserX however have changed the protection we use. If I’m honest I don’t like the way anti-viruses call programs a virus that are simply protected with an obfuscator i feel as if this is some what of a scam to make the anti virus appear to detect loads of ‘viruses’ when it’s simpmy not the case as this is industry standard protection for applications.

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  • Root Admin

Actually, very few vendors call items detected a virus. Often, most are classified as Trojan, Malware, or possibly PUP.  I'm not aware of any new actual viruses in many years now. Bad actors want to get paid and typically a virus doesn't do that for them. Taking control of your system or encrypting your data has become much more lucrative than unleashing a virus to damage your data for no profit.

I've asked the team to review your site again. Hopefully, that should get done sometime tonight.


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15 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Actually, very few vendors call items detected a virus. Often, most are classified as Trojan, Malware, or possibly PUP.  I'm not aware of any new actual viruses in many years now. Bad actors want to get paid and typically a virus doesn't do that for them. Taking control of your system or encrypting your data has become much more lucrative than unleashing a virus to damage your data for no profit.

I've asked the team to review your site again. Hopefully, that should get done sometime tonight.


Can you provide me with an update once the review is complete?

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