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Mac is infected with 3 viruses

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My MacBook is infected with the malware PUP "Your Mac is infected with 3 viruses". This is widely known and discussed in various forums except, it seems, in this one. I have Malware Bytes installed. It neither prevented nor detects this malware. This is the second compromise that Malware Bytes has failed to prevent or detect. I don't feel that it is protecting me at all.

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We would need to know a lot more about what causes you to think your MacBook is infected, such as a screen shot of what you are observing.

If it's simply a popup containing those words when you visit a site in your browser, then there are several other discussions here about that. It's caused by JavaScript embedded in an ad on the site and there is nothing on your Mac to be found. A good adblocking extension for your browser will help and Malwarebytes has them for Firefox and Chrome available in the beta testing Forum here. Unfortunately, designing one acceptable to Safari is more difficult, but may still be coming.

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Similar to these ?

I have created a 1series of videos generated from these kinds of fraud sites for the purposes of recognition and education.  They are all  videos from real web sites.  ALL are FRAUDS.

All these have one thing in common and they have nothing to do with any software on your PC.  They are all nefarious web sites meant to defraud you of money. The objective is to, falsely, goad you to make the phone call and pay for some service contract for an incident that never happened.  From there they may continue to charge your Credit Card for other services, remote into your computer and do real damage and/or exfiltrate your personal data and they may use the information they obtain from you to commit additional frauds.


I have also created a PDF ScreenShow of a myriad of FakeAlert screens - FakeAlert-Screens.pdf  /  Flash Version  In it you'll find several MAC/Apple related FakeAlerts which I believe you ae seeing.

US FBI PSA - Tech Support Fraud
US FTC Consumer Information -  Tech Support Scams
US FTC - Tech Support Operators Agree to Settle Charges by FTC and the State of Ohio
US FTC - FTC and Federal, State and International Partners Announce Major Crackdown on Tech Support Scams
Malwarebytes' Blog - Search on - "tech support scams"
Malwarebytes' Blog - "Tech support scams: help and resource page"

1.  Also located at "My Online Security" - Some videos of typical tech support scams


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  • Staff
13 hours ago, kdeemer said:

My MacBook is infected with the malware PUP "Your Mac is infected with 3 viruses".

Just to clarify what has already been said, that kind of pop-up in the browser is not malware. It is a scam webpage trying to convince you that you have malware, in the hopes that you'll either install a scam product to "remove the malware," or that you'll call a scam number listed in the message and pay the scammers to "remove the malware." (When there's no actual malware.)

Do not follow any of the instructions in that message. Close that browser window/tab, and if it repeats, avoid the site you were visiting at the time. It can also be helpful to install an ad blocker, as many of these pop-ups are caused by malvertising (malicious advertising). Malwarebytes actually has a browser extension in beta - so it's currently free - that blocks ads, trackers, clickbait, scams, and known malware sites. It's available for Chrome and Firefox, but not yet for Safari.

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