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Solutions for issues with "Activate Real-Time Protection" for macOS
MalwareBytes- Main Menu  "Dashboard" 
Clicking "Fix" brings up "System Preferences" 
Changing the settings in "Security & Privacy".  
Did not solve this...(for me at least)

Check: System Integrity Protection (SIP) Status
Open "Terminal" and type:
"csrutil status"     (don't type "quotations marks") Then hit enter. 
          -You will get either one of two responses back.

System Integrity Protection status: disabled.
System Integrity Protection status: Enabled.


If System Integrity Protection status: Enabled :

Disable System Integrity Protection (SIP)

Boot Mac into recovery mode:
when you hear the tone:
press and hold:
Command (
⌘) and R together: Until you see the the apple icon.

When you're in the Recovery Interface (or menu):
On the "Top Menu Bar", select "Utilities" 
Then scroll down and click "Terminal"

"csrutil disable"   (Don't type the "quotations marks", then press enter)

You'll get a message "saying you need to restart for it to take effect."

"reboot"  (don't type the "quotations marks",  then press enter)

When you're computer restarts normally, 
open MalwareBytes 
On "Dashboard" Tab:
Click "Fix" button.

It will Activate: (and should like the following"
 "Real-Time Protection"

Malware Protection: On and App Blocking: On.

Re-Enable System Integrity Protection (SIP)

Boot Mac into recovery mode:
Restart: When you hear the tone:
Press and Hold: 
"Command (
⌘) and R" Together until you see the the apple icon.

When you're in the Recovery Interface (or menu):
On the "Top Menu Bar", select "Utilities" 
Then scroll down and click "Terminal"

"csrutil enable"   (don't type the "quotations marks", then press enter)

You'll get a message saying you need to restart for it to take effect.
"reboot"  (don't type the "quotations marks",  then press enter)



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That's certainly not a recommended procedure and should not be necessary if you are running a current release version of macOS and Malwarebytes. 

If this is the only way to activate Malwarebytes Real-Time Protection then there is almost certainly something wrong with your OS or you aren't running a release version thereof.

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2 hours ago, b-rad said:

 I'm running  macOS Mojave 10.14.5 Beta
It may be a bit extreme, however less extreme than performing a clean install of macOS and Bootcamping Windows 10.

I restarted my MacBook and read through the forums before taking this measure. It was activated before I joined the macOS Beta program and with the last update or 2 ago I noticed MalwareBytes required my attention for Activation of Real-Time Protection. 

I really appreciate the response! And in no way am I saying you're wrong, I tested my theory and it produced the results I desired.

            -sincerely b-rad.




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Then I hope you have reported this to Apple, as they require, so that they can evaluate the situation in case it's a problem they need to solve before getting the developer unnecessarily exercised about a situation they may not need to take action on. 

I suspect Malwarebytes is already aware of this through their own development program and testing. It may be premature for to react, in that the situation could change before the release date.

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3 hours ago, b-rad said:

"csrutil disable"   (Don't type the "quotations marks", then press enter)

You'll get a message "saying you need to restart for it to take effect."

And one recommended change to the above that makes for a safer environment. There is no need to fully disable SIP. Instead, simply disable the kext restriction portion using the following:

csrutil enable --without kext


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This is definitely an extreme procedure that I wouldn't recommend doing.

If you're running a beta of macOS, that's technically not supported, so there may be issues. With 10.14.5 beta 2, there are definitely issues. In that case, these instructions may help get real-time protection activated again, but these instructions are not officially endorsed by Malwarebytes, so follow them at your own risk.

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58 minutes ago, joemikeb said:

This issue has been reported to Apple through the MacOS beta program.

Except that it's not really an issue since Apple is treating all such non-notarized extensions the same way, in accordance with it's just announced policy regarding that version when released.

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