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MBAE 1.13 Build 60


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The three month interval since the previous release of MBAE  seems to have been well used.  MBAE 1.13 Build 60 behaves very well with Windows 7 and Windows 10. Reading between the lines, I guess that a lot more work has been put into the latest MBAE than the brief summary information in the changelog would have us believe.

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Hi hake, long time no speak. Glad to see you're still around keeping an eye on MBAE! :)


Yes, the team is still very active and introducing lots of improvements into MBAE on a regular basis. Thanks to you and all other testers for helping us keep MBAE effective and evolving over time!

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Hi Pedro.  It's called enlightened self-interest.

MBAE 1.13 Build 60 also works well with Windows XP (running on 17 year-old pre-SSE2 processor) but I do wonder whether or not an older version (I have been using might be more relevant to XP.

Edited by hake
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On further consideration, MBAE is better with Windows XP than MBAE 1.13 Build 60. I have noticed what seem to be intermittent 'pauses' while Mozllla Firefox ESR 45.9 is running with MBAE 1.13 Build 60.

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