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Ability to export or import user settings would be useful for quick configuration on multiple devices.


  • Export configuration for Application, Protection, Scan Schedule and Exclusions
  • Re-installation of Malwarebytes 3 to fix Windows UI Missing Context Menu
  • Import previous configuration

This will be good for users with large exclusion lists and custom scan schedules. I am currently missing the context menu in Windows, and am dreading having to populate my exclusion list again.

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Unfortunately while these features aren't available for the consumer version, the business products do include these capabilities.  That said, you should be able to back up your settings for each individual device to restore them after reinstallation (assuming that's what is needed to fix the missing context menu entry).  Just create a backup copy of the Malwarebytes folder under C:\ProgramData and once you've reinstalled/corrected the issue with the context menu entry, exit Malwarebytes completely via the tray menu and then restore your backup copy of the folder and the files within and then launch Malwarebytes again and it should then recover all of your custom exclusions and scheduler settings.  Just bear in mind that this will NOT work for deploying settings across separate installations/devices as the settings for each installation are keyed to that particular device via unique machine identifiers so you can't copy the settings from one installation of Malwarebytes on one system to another system; they can only be used on that same device.

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Before you attempt that you might want to take a look at this topic.  Something similar was attempted on that system and it did not work.  That topic includes more details on how the context menu entry is created by Malwarebytes and possible solutions to fixing it when it fails to show up/install correctly.

You should also run the Malwarebytes Support Tool; the primary log it creates will show which components, if any, are missing (including the registry entries, files etc.) and will also check for other known causes for it to be missing such as being blocked by a policy in the registry that disables individual context menu entries:

  1. Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  3. Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply

Post the ZIP file and we can take a look and advise on what to try next.  It's possible that simply installing the latest build over the top of your existing installation will correct it, or even simply toggling the setting for the context menu entry off and then on again and rebooting.  A clean install may not be needed, and doing those other things shouldn't wipe out any of your customized settings or exclusions.

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Those were the same keys I was about to import.

I just ended up re-installing and pasting in the ProgramaData. The MBAM Repair Tool has a broken URL if browsing from the malwarebytes.com homepage - I wasn't able to get a copy of it until you shared the link here.

Maybe you could mention this to the web admins so they can fix it.

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