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Why don't Malwarebytes and Windows Server mix?


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So a short while ago, I learned that attempting to run Malwarebytes on a Windows Server operating system is explicitly not recommended, but I am only just now getting around to asking about this; what are the specific reasons that this shouldn't be done, exactly? This isn't even the first time the differences between Windows Client and Windows Server came up when I was trying to learn about software; Bitsum's own Process Lasso required considerable modifications to its code to run correctly on Windows Server, and even more tweaking just to get decent performance.

As is usually the case coming from me with questions such as this, my primary motivation here is curiosity. I'd like to learn more about the technical details, all those under-the-hood differences between Windows Client and Windows Server operating systems that make certain programs not run correctly or efficiently.

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I don't know all the specifics, but for one thing I do know that they do not test with any Windows Server versions so that's probably the primary reason, but aside from that, it's possible to configure a Server OS installation without many common components that would be required by Malwarebytes (and most other third party applications) in order to function properly such as Windows Explorer and other OS components.  The network stack in Server versions is also obviously very different and there have been reports of serious problems with the Web Protection component in some Windows Server installations by customers who have tried it in the past including the operating system's DNS triggering constant blocks of every IP address listed in the Malwarebytes Web Protection block database, essentially causing a self-inflicted DDoS of the system by attempting to use it with the Server operating system.

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