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Hello Malwarebytes associates,

I performed a scan using my Malwarebytes.  The dashboard said that my protection updates are current.  The system said that that my scan was clean.  That said, I still received a popup to download the latest update.  I re-ran my scan to ensure I was clean.  I am.  The download shipped Malwarebytes-Mac- to my downloads folder.  I did not open it for the reason that I'm questioning if this is from all of you or a scam given that my dashboard said I was "current."  There also was a popup indicating that my system wasn't updating offline.  Any advice to offer?  Should I open the downloaded file?

Your help is appreciated.  I can't afford for my system to be out of business over the next month. 

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Hello again, Just took a screen shot of the the Malwarebytes version installed on my system.  Appears to be the same.  Hmmmm.  Confusing that the app would advise me that I needed to download the latest version and then feed me through that process.  Here you go!  Sending this your way.  You might want to check out...



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Hello @EMI123 and :welcome:

No.  Please do not open the downloaded file.

It is only mildly concerning that Malwarebytes for Mac would want to update a updated/current version.  Yet, this may have been a rare glitch in the update check just prior to scans.  Also, what may be a representation of file size is interesting.

As additional analysis data for Malwarebytes staffers, please scan the Malwarebytes-Mac- file, in the downloads folder, by uploading to https://www.virustotal.com/en/ and select the Scan it! button then, select the Reanalyse button.  The VT file reanalysis may take two minutes or so.

Following the reanalysis, please reply to this topic with only the URL of the reanalysis.  The hashes will hold the most interest.

Please do not delete the downloaded file in question yet.

Thank you.

cc: @treed

Edited by 1PW
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Malwarebytes for Mac will not download updates into the Downloads folder, unless you're using a very old version. Did you run that downloaded installer? If so, did you check the version of Malwarebytes before running it? I'm unclear on those points. Note that the protection updates are entirely different from the application updates. Your dashboard can say your protection updates are current without the latest version of the software being installed.

Alternately, do you have and still use an old version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac? It has a very different interface, so it would be evident you're using an older program. If so, that will always prompt you to update to 3.x, because it is not able to check to see whether you have 3.x installed or not. If you click the Learn More button, it will go to the Mac product page in your web browser. Clicking the download button on that page would download the installer into your Downloads folder. Could this be what happened?

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