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Various problems

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I Would like to report that Malwarebytes for Android (last update) has two problems (at least on my P8 lite 2017):

1) consumes battery in a very intense mode  (the system indicate that  even if the specific reminder is not active);

2) every morning, when I turn on the smartphone, I have to reactivate the safe navigation protection that since about 5 days I find disabled.

Thank you now that you'll want to give me information about.


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Thanks @MAXBAR1 reporting the issues.

>1) consumes battery in a very intense mode  (the system indicate that  even if the specific reminder is not active);

Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the battery usage, we'd like to understand how much our app consumes battery after a re-charge. Especially percentage wise.

>2) every morning, when I turn on the smartphone, I have to reactivate the safe navigation protection that since about 5 days I find disabled.

Do you use any battery or memory optimizer apps? Or does your Huawei kill applications if they are on the background?

Do you see time to time "Malwarebytes stopped working" type of message? If so, can you recall how often does that happen?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the inconvenience.


Edited by Vabadus
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1) Here are the screenshots. I hope these can be enough


2) I only use the battery management and optimizer provided by EMUI that have never caused the problem until now.
The system has never killed applications in the background. I never saw the "Malwarebytes stopped working" message.
I have not received any system updates since the January 2019 Android security patches. The system is OREO with relative EMUI customization for more than 6 months already.
I tried to reboot the system a little while ago and it didn't create the second problem but so far it only happened when I turned it on the morning after that it had been turned off all night (it turns off automatically at about 11.00 pm and is always turned on automatically at 07.00). However, it had never happened before the middle of last week.
Instead it is not the first time since I use it (and I have started using it since it was mobile Malware Anti-Malware) that reports abnormal battery consumption.


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I've just made a post about the same thing. I too am having to re-enable the Safe Browser setting from OFF to ON, after every time the screen saver kicks in. I too don't have any optimizers in the background "killing" background apps. I too never saw that message (full Notifications permissions given). I don't have battery issues with the app and it's not on my Battery Optimised list.

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This is the screenshot of what has happened for about a week when the smartphone is switched on every morning.


Another thing I noticed, more or less from the same period is this:
if I run a manual scan and the p8 lite 2017 goes into standby, the scan does the same; when I reactivate the smartphone, I find it back to where it was when it went into stand-by: the number of items analyzed did not increase but neither did the elapsed time (this forces me to keep the smartphone alive until scanning is completed); up to about a week ago, if I remembered, even after 1 hour, to reactivate the smartphone I found the scan completed with the results in evidence.

I reiterate that I have not received any system updates, my use of the phone manager / optimizer (integrated in the system) has not changed and malwarebytes is the latest released version, received approximately 2 or 3 days after the official release.

Thanks for every information



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Mysteriously the first two problems have disappeared (excessive battery consumption and lack of web protection when smartphone start at morning) although there have been no updates (at least on the smartphone side, I don't know on the server side).

The problem remains of the scan that goes into stand-by if the phone goes on standby as shown in the screenshots below.

First scan (in-depth) in which the screen went on stand-by several times if you look at the values of the smartphone clock and the scan timer values you may notice a scan pause during stand-by (each screenshot was done as soon as the screen was reactivated):



Second (in-depht) scan (without letting go of the smartphone on stand-by); you can notice some notable differences (they were performed one after the other)


I await clarification on this, because up until a week ago it did not happen; the scan ended as in the second example also letting the smartphone go on standby for hours.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to point out that with the last update I received on Sunday 12 May 2019, unfortunately, the problem of deactivating the safe browsing scanner returned every morning when the phone restarts (my smartphone p8 lite 2017 is in fact set to turn off automatically in the evening  and reboot in the morning).

The problem has also returned that with the standby of the phone it freezes the scan until the screen is reactivated.  In short, all the problems are back.

The penultimate update that had solved them was better.

Huawei P8 Lite 2017, Android 8.0 with the January 2019 patches (latest update received) and Malwarebytes

Thanks for the attention

A greeting


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