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Hackers Hijacked ASUS Software


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Well, that's just lovely. I have to use ASUS software on my computer in order to use my printer because said printer is connected directly to my ASUS router, instead of just letting me use the printer directly, something I could probably do with literally any other router. Additionally, one of my other computers uses an ASUS motherboard, and all of my computers except the laptops use ASUS networking cards.

TL-DR: I'm screwed!

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Great, yet another publicly distributed APT attack (similar to the CCleaner incident that occurred back in 2017).  These guys are getting good and quite bold.  Vendors and hosts are really going to have to start being much more careful about their security and really need to start validating their downloads/files to better protect against these kinds of incidents/attacks.

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  • Root Admin

ASUS Admits Its Live Update Utility Was Backdoored by APT Group

ASUS response to the recent media reports regarding ASUS Live Update tool attack by Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups


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If Malwarebytes doesn't yet have supply chain threat detection, they ought to start working on that soon. Meanwhile, somebody seriously needs to get to work on a more investigative, or more aggressive, cybersecurity system. Something that can actually track down the original source of a threat by any means necessary. It would take an insane amount of development resources, though, and it probably wouldn't be super practical. I estimate no more than a 0.5% success rate in an absolute best-case scenario, but I'd love to be proven wrong.

Mass telemetry might actually be able to do something good for once, because that's probably the single most practical implementation of a threat-seeker.

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