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Normally not a bad thing, as I can exclude folders.  But this is causing me grief.

Visual Studio project, added graphics to some buttons, now get detected as "MachineLearning/Anomalous.94%".  Not even close.  Back to school with you MachineLearning.

But...  MalwareBytes is insisting that it wants to reboot my machine.  NO.  I will uninstall if I have to.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO PERFORM A REBOOT TO QUARANTINE AN EXE!
This is a case of MalwareBytes acting more like Malware than doing anything useful.  I can't even restore the files.

Attached is a zip with the offending program.


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I've asked the forum moderators to move your thread to the false positives area so that a member of Research can review the FP and get it corrected.

In the meantime, if you do reboot then the file will be deleted due to the Delete on Reboot (DoR) technology that Malwarebytes uses for cleanup of detected items, however once that occurs the file will be placed in quarantine and you will then be able to restore the item from quarantine in Malwarebytes.  After that you may exclude the process/folder until the Research team gets the issue corrected in the database.

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I ended up "rebooting" anyways, as when I tried to use ProcessExplorer to find out who had the handle open, Windows 10 came crashing down with a missing index.
This was just an exceptionally annoying experience as I am on a deadline.

I have nothing against Delete on Reboot, except that I should be able to cancel the reboot/delete when I feel that a false detection has occurred.  Making me reboot my machine to correct the mistake is a poor design decision.

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Yes, I've requested in the past that they offer a 'restore and ignore' function to Quarantine to allow items to be restored and added to exclusions in a single click and also to provide the option to restore/exclude an item pre-reboot and edit or delete the DoR script accordingly so that the item(s) which were removed by the user do not get deleted on reboot but it would probably be quite tricky to implement.

Still, I will point them to this thread for reconsideration and hopefully it's an area where we will see some usability improvements in the future.

Thanks for your feedback.

Also, just in the meantime, a tip when dealing with the machine learning component: it doesn't like unsigned files or files with inappropriate version information (like files signed by Microsoft/from Microsoft Corporation etc. when they are not) which can make it tough on independent developers, so the best solution is to generally just exclude your entire working directory for your projects that way it doesn't flag any of your executables.  I'm sure you've already done this but thought I should write this anyway for anyone else who might come along with a similar issue.

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