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Concerned I have a rootkit

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I have stupidly run a suspect executable file, which then popped up with some jumbled characters and contained "c:\windows\system32\drivers".

This has concerned me that it has edited files and installed a RootKit though scans with Malwarebytes and others are showing nothing.

How can I be sure there is no infection?

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Hello, Welcome to Malwarebytes.
I'm nasdaq and will be helping you.

If you can please print this topic it will make it easier for you to follow the instructions and complete all of the necessary steps in the order listed.

Your current log from your Recovery environment is clean.

Can you start the computer in Normal mode and  scan the computer with the Farbar program.
Post fresh FRST.TXT and Addition.txt logs for my veview

Let me know if you have any issues with this computer.

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  • Root Admin

Glad we could help.

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This applies only to the originator of this thread. Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread.



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