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MS Direct Virtual WiFi Network Adapters


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I received a notice from FaceBook that my password was changed last night, (not by me) and in Ipconfig/all, two WiFi virtual adapters show up, which are not listed in my device manager list.

The MS support responder wrote this:  " It look s wrong honestly, you shouldn't have all those adapters listed there, try cleaning your PC running the free trial of Malwarebytes and see if that helps. If not you're gonna have to consider to reset your computer."

So I wanted to know what you can do to resolve this issue...I think I was hacked, but am not familiar with Virtual Adapters and have never used.  Hoping you can help/tell me what to do?

Here is ipconfig/all except for mine: image.png.b2b07564faeebf20beda51fa5f84b224.png

my device manager list:  image.png.143a97066b2ec6cddb6ea9bfe292912d.png


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Those connections are actually pretty typical and aren't a sign of infection.  It is an issue that frequently occurs where whenever you reconnect to your internet connection Windows will create an additional virtual network adapter.  They are created for ad-hoc networking which is a fancy way of saying that in modern Windows versions Microsoft added the ability for sharing your internet connection and using your computer as an access point (basically like a router) for other computers and devices and that's what those virtual adapters are for.  It's possible to delete them however they will typically return.

You can also review this thread on the subject.

Now, with all of that said, if you do suspect that you might be infected then please follow the instructions in this topic and create a new thread in the malware removal area including the requested logs and information by clicking here and one of our malware removal specialists will assist you in checking and cleaning the system of any remaining threats as soon as one becomes available.

Good luck, and if there is anything else we might assist you with please don't hesitate to let us know.


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