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guys i need help urgently someone has without a doubt remotely exploiting my iphone x. I have no idea how but the analytics logs say enough.

I have tried everything from erase all content new apple id’s pxwrds factory dfu.

I was playing around and somehow got the phone to properly close down with the spinning circle (it doesnt do this it just goes black normally) and keep the phone from downloading the apps once i set the phone up again by turning data off but it only stopped it for few hours before the analytic logs came through.

Does anyone know how to stop this spying and remove it for good. 

One important thing I realised was every update I do the Trust Store Cert does not update to the latest ios12 certs and it is stuck on 2018121000 no amount of reinstalling gets the phone to break out of this loop its in.

Apple support = USELESS !

Can someone help me pls !

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