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If you are using any kind of proxy, VPN or similar tool/service that re-routes your connection in any way then that could be the cause of the issue since the Web Protection in Malwarebytes relies on identifying blocked sites based on their IP addresses when one of our endpoints tries to connect to them.  Some third party AV products that use their own web filtering modules have sometimes been known to conflict with Web Protection in Malwarebytes to cause it to not function properly as well, so if Trend Micro has such a module then I would suggest disabling it temporarily to see if that makes any difference (and be sure to clear your DNS cache prior to testing it just to make sure that Windows doesn't connect to the IP through the cache, causing it to appear as though Web Protection still isn't working when in fact it may be at that point).

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Exile gave some great advice above and is all accurate. Please let us know if you are able to temporarily uninstall the Trend Micro and let us know if issues persist with that removed?

As well if you can please confirm that the specific policy the endpoint in question is on has the "Start malicious website blocking when protection module starts"

This is policy specific so please ensure the specific policy has that option and let us know if these issues persist.

Many Thanks


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