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I keep getting this window popping up on my iMac. At first I thought it was a legitimate Safari window giving me a legit message. 

- It stays on screen even when all browsers are quit! (I can't say for certain it doesn't appear when all browsers are quit, because I leave my browser on a lot). 

- It seemingly has no relationship to any failed searches I'm doing; it can pop up when I'm reading an article, or reading email; or doing something else entirely. 

- The links go to what appears to be Apple pages, but that's as far as I've ever gone. Started getting suspicious. 

- I called Apple; they suggested I download & run free copy of Malware bytes. 

- I've run Malware bytes, as well as Sophos scans, once about a month  or so ago when it first occurred; and then more recently in the past week. Always "Clean". 

- I've searched & searched on the internet and can't find anything similar. All I get are 404 errors, and this is *not* one of them.

??? Doesn't feel right; doesn't look right; doesn't smell right"

Anyone else? 

Any solutions?

This Pops up on my screen.jpg

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This looks like what is called a "captive portal" window... in other words, it's a page that gets loaded in a special window when you try to join a wireless network that requires some kind of login. These are commonly used with wifi at airports, hotels, coffee shops, etc.

I can't say why it's showing up for your own network, but that wouldn't be due to malware on your computer. It would be due to something on your wireless router - probably either a misconfiguration, or an infection/hack of the router.

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