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Pretty sure malware on system. Need Farbar help

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I have tried avast, malwarebytes, adwcleaner and now Farbar.  First 2 didn't show and now I have tried using the Farbar as suggested on these forums but I need help understanding them?  I have attached the Farbar texts if anyone could help?  My avast keeps picking up random threats but it won't pick anything up on the scan so I think there is malware somewhere hiding. Any help would be massively appreciated!!





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Hello, Welcome to Malwarebytes.
I'm nasdaq and will be helping you.

If you can please print this topic it will make it easier for you to follow the instructions and complete all of the necessary steps in the order listed.

Your logs are clean.

Please let me know what problems you are having with this computer.

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  • Root Admin

Glad we could help.

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This applies only to the originator of this thread. Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread.



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