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Protection Update Check when Mac is sleeping

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Hi there,

I wondered if anyone else has experience of Malwarebytes performing a "Last Protection Update Check" overnight while the Mac is asleep (but not switched off)?   I've noticed that when I turn my Mac on first thing in the morning, the "Last Protection Update Check" displays a time either during the night or early that morning before I have used my Mac at all.  Is this normal? I was on the trial version and have only just reverted to free, but it happened throughout the trial too.

Would be really grateful for any thoughts or advice as I'm a little concerned that this isn't normal. 


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Not sure what may be concerning you about that. A number of processes are allowed to run in the background during sleep, so it wouldn't surprise me to know that protection updates are allowed to occur. That changed somewhat with Mojave, so I'm not seeing any such instances here, but will try to remember to check the next time I'm in an earlier macOS.

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