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Malwarebytes would not even recognise me asking for help at support.malwarebytes.com

The problem was as follows:

These Indian guys were saying using a full computer screen, that they were Microsoft, my information was in danger, and I needed to contact them at their micorsoft phone number. I turned off my computer and turned it back on. This was the only way to get rid of the screen that would not go away and not permit me to do anything with the computer. Eventually they returned. So, I saved a screen shot of the message, or something, and let the real microsoft know what happened. Their only solution was for me to add a free ad blocker.  The one that has a white hand in a red background.

I cannot get some articles because of this blocker.

As mentioned Malwarebytes would not even recognise me asking for help at support.malwarebytes.com


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This is what your complaint sounds like.  A Tech Support scam.

I have created a 1series of videos generated from these kinds of fraud sites for the purposes of recognition and education.  They are all  videos from real web sites.  ALL are FRAUDS.

All these have one thing in common and they have nothing to do with any software on your PC.  They are all nefarious web sites meant to defraud you of money. The objective is to, falsely, goad you to make the phone call and pay for some service contract for an incident that never happened.  From there they may continue to charge your Credit Card for other services, remote into your computer and do real damage and/or exfiltrate your personal data and they may use the information they obtain from you to commit additional frauds.


I have also created a PDF ScreenShow of a myriad of FakeAlert screens - FakeAlert-Screens.pdf  /  Flash Version

US FBI PSA - Tech Support Fraud
US FTC Consumer Information -  Tech Support Scams
US FTC - Tech Support Operators Agree to Settle Charges by FTC and the State of Ohio
US FTC - FTC and Federal, State and International Partners Announce Major Crackdown on Tech Support Scams
Malwarebytes' Blog - Search on - "tech support scams"
Malwarebytes' Blog - "Tech support scams: help and resource page"

1.  Also located at "My Online Security" - Some videos of typical tech support scams



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If you were trying to login to support.malwarebytes.com with your My.Malwarebytes.com account information, that will not work because the online helpdesk/support system is kept separate from the license management system (I believe for the sake of security best practices since they are separate servers and systems), and likewise, the forums here are not connected to them either, again for the same reasons.

Based on your description, it does indeed sound like a tech support scam as David H. Lipman mentions above and while a good ad blocker (such as Adblock Plus, which is what it sounds like Microsoft recommended to you) may help, it is not a complete solution.  The behavior based tech support scam blocking included in the Malwarebytes browser extension beta, which is currently available for free for both Chrome (and other Chromium based browsers such as SRWare Iron and Vivaldi) as well as Firefox is much more robust and effective at blocking such scams and includes improved blocking for many other malicious items and is designed to work in conjunction with the Web Protection in Malwarebytes 3 Premium if you have it (though the extension also works by itself).

You can find out more about the browser extension and download it at the following links:


Please let us know if there is anything else we might assist you with.


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