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iOS Beta Update


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I noticed Malwarebytes 1.3.0 is available in the AppStore, but I’m still testing the 1.2.2 version. I would have liked to test 1.3.0 because I’ve submitted several bugs that I’d like to test. I don’t have a Pro subscription, so I can’t install the AppStore version to test. Please advise as I’m still not interested in purchasing a subscription but still want to help you guys test as I use MBAM extensively on other platforms (with lifetime licenses, etc). I’d rather not get a trial subscription from you guys as I’d rather have the Beta version installed. I go through my TestFlight testing list a couple times a month at least to test bugs I’ve found and submitted. Thx Malwarebytes Team

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Thanks for reporting this.  I will inform the team of the issue and your request.  I don't know what their policy is currently with regards to testing/validation for released builds, but if there is a newer beta coming up soon then hopefully they'll provide access to it if nothing else.

Thanks for testing and hopefully they will have a newer build which you may have access to for testing and bugfix validation.

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On 2/11/2019 at 8:11 AM, treed said:

There will be a new beta before 1.2.2 expires, but we've got some new things that we want to test that need to be added first.

Hmm, it seems the TestFlight beta testers aren't being fully utilized. That is unless version 1.3 is really 1.2.2 (or very close I mean).


No big deal. It’s just I’m a Software Engineer by trade. It may have been a long time since I’ve actually coded, but I’m intimately familiar with the SDLC. I take my beta testing responsibilities seriously. I’ve also been a Malwarebytes user, supporter, and proponent for over 10 years. This mix isn’t good for my OCD lol :)

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