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Is real time protection on in free version?

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I am using latest home free edition on w8.1-64. Right click on systray icon says that real time protection for 4 activities has expired as trial period is over. That will be allowed for premium users.

I checked services and found that Malwarebytes services is running.

I want to know when these 4 types of real time protection are switched off, what is malwarebyte service doing when it is on and running and what is its systray icon is for?

I mean, is there still some kind of protection that I am getting by keeping free malwarebytes runnning, when those 4 kind of premium protection have expired? if so, then that protection should be displayed in systray icon.

or does it mean there is no real time protection and only I can manually scan my box time to time, and there is no point keeping it running all the time?



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The free version includes no active protection.  The service and tray icon remain for easy access to scanning and settings.  If you wish to terminate Malwarebytes you may right-click on the tray icon and select Quit Malwarebytes and it will remove the tray and service from memory.

If there is anything else we might assist you with please let us know.


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