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FAQ; with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version, and Android 4.2.2 ?

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FAQ; with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version, and Android 4.2.2 ?


Hello, the version of Malwareytes-Antimalware version in the future will be further developed by you, so program updates, and engine updates. Yes I'm still running on a Samsung Galaxy s3 minni, with Android 4.2.2 Os?

Or will it stop someday?

Ps: There is no other version for this device.
Pss: Why i can´t not find this version not https://de.malwarebytes.com/support/releasehistory/
there ?
You must rebuild/refrash this Area. Your information that there not complete.

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I believe the release history is separated between the different products/names (Malwarebytes for Android & Chrome OS vs the older/original Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile).  Version 2.0.5 is listed with other legacy versions here.  You can either scroll down the page to locate it, click on the link I provided, or click the Anti-Malware Mobile link on the left side of the page to access it.

As for official support/updates etc., a member of the Malwarebytes staff will have to address that as I do not know.

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I was typing as the previous response was entered. @exile360 is correct.  The version you asked about is listed under MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MALWARE MOBILE.  It is far beyond end-of-life, and is no longer supported.  As the number of users dwindles so low that the extra efforts required to support those few along with the lion's share of the audience, support for much older versions of Android may be discontinued.  I do not have any specifics on which ones or when, but it has happened in the past.  It will likely continue to happen in the future.

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