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Hello everyone, i am new and i am asking for help. 

i have 2 routers. First at home, second with me traveling. 

i want second router to connect to home VPN server so the router will think its connected to my home local internet. I need this because my equipment need to think its connected to home router. 

Is there anyone with experience how to do that, i also flashed my home router with DD WRT so i can make vpn but i dont know how to connect and setup, it gives errors. Please for help. 

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The only methods I know of to accomplish a remote stream from a home device would be through something like a Slingbox which is designed for that purpose.  There may be a way to do what you want, but if there is I do not know it.  It could be worth asking over at the avforums in their networking section located here.  I'd imagine that if there's a way to do it, someone there would know how.

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I see, yeah, like I said, the only way to accomplish something like this would be through a Slingbox or similar hardware.  Anything dealing with remote streaming of broadcast content is tough as they put in a lot of restrictions to try and prevent abuse (i.e. broadcasting to the world for free online etc.).  There are tools and ways around it, but nothing without specialty hardware like the device I mentioned, at least that I know of.

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