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Spoofed calls are NOT being blocked or alerted

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I have Malware Bytes for iOS and I have a paid subscription. I am again getting calls from my local area code that are not either in my Contacts list or in my "allowed numbers" list. I use the option to block calls, but I calls are neither being blocked or am I being alerted. Malware Bytes for iOS appears to be doing nothing. I would prefer to err on the side of missing calls than to be harassed day and night by these telemarketing scammers. If this product will not even do that, then I need to find one that does.

Is Malware Bytes properly blocking or alerting unwanted calls for others? I have it running, but it seems to do...nothing.

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The problem is that those telemarketers are changing the last four digits with every call, so the only way they can be blocked would be to block all calls from your exchange, which would likely include some legitimate calls. Other blockers I’m familiar with simply give a warning for such calls, rather than automatically blocking numbers that are not being reused and reported.

Malwarebytes needs reports in order to block calls from repetitive numbers, so you need to be reporting the ones you get in order to have those blocked.

Edited by alvarnell
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I know that the numbers are ultimately irrelevant, but that’s why I have asked Malware Bytes to block all calls that are not in my Contacts (white list) or in my specific allowed numbers. My problem is, Malware Bytes is not blocking or alerting ANY numbers. I do not require calls to be received, from people I don’t know. I’d prefer to miss a call than to be constantly badgered by telemarketers that don’t adhere to the Do Not Call list. Nothing works, anymore and I assume that many of these calls don’t even originate within North America and the perpetrators are beyond any law enforcement. I just want them all blocked. 



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You seem to be saying that Malwarebytes is not working as designed. Nowhere in the description or the customization settings is an option to block all calls that are not in your Contacts (white list) or in your specific allowed numbers. You can only choose to block or warn of blacklisted fraudulent calls and block or warn about spam calls that appear to come from your neighbors. You need to suggest an enhancement be developed to do what you are expecting.

I'm not aware of any other blockers that will do exactly what you are looking for. Hiya will let you whitelist contacts, but still only blocks known fraud and nuisance calls. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hiya-caller-id-spam-blocker/id986999874?mt=8

Edited by alvarnell
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The way that the "neighbor spoofing" protection works is that it will warn/block for any numbers that match the first 6 digits of your phone number, if they are not in your contacts or whitelisted in the Malwarebytes app. This means if your number is (123) 456-7890, it would warn/block numbers matching (123) 456-XXXX.

It does NOT warn/block for all numbers in your area code (ie, (123) XXX-XXXX).

Beyond that, it's important to note that no call protection can ever be 100% effective as long as spammers have the ability to spoof caller ID. Unfortunately, caller ID spoofing is extremely cheap and easy today. A common strategy is to match the first 6 digits of your phone number, to make it look like the call is coming from your area. However, that is not the only strategy, and it's not possible to block every spoofed number. We have no way to determine whether a number is using fake caller ID.

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Thanks. It appears that there is no way to block all calls that are not in my Contacts list. That, coupled with the fact that it seems that most of the calls I’m receiving are from random, spoofed, caller IDs, renders me without a solution. Most of the ‘random spoofers’ will simply call back a while later if you don’t answer and if you do answer and press a button that requests being removed from their call list, it appears to accomplish nothing. « Known spammers » no longer appears to be effective, since spoofing is epidemic.

To recap:

1. Answering these call and taking any action or not does not stem the calling

2. Not answering these calls does not stem the calling

3. A product that limits calls only to a white list (my contacts in this case) does not appear to exist. I would be happy if non-whitelisted calls just went to voice mail and I could check them later if I cared to. I have now set Do Not Disturb on my iPhone, which appears to block all calls, with the exception of my Contacts, however, when I exit Settings, the pop up message I get says « Calls and notifications will be silenced until Do Not Disturb is turned off », so I’m not sure if I’m getting any calls,  since it’s not clear that that my whitelist overrides my Do Not Disturb.

4. The National Do Not Call Registry is now effectively obsolete.

I probably will not renew my Malware Bytes for iOS, since it is not effective in mitigating the spoofed calls, which are the majority of unsolicited calls now. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The abuse from spoofed calling numbers, most likely from callers outside the US is horrible, but I don't know what they can do technologically for these calls with fake caller ID. I now have 'do not disturb' activated on my iPhone and I use my Contacts as a "white list" and have additional specific allowed numbers. I feel for those who must accept calls from unknown callers. Fortunately for me, I don't.

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  • 2 months later...

Perhaps it depends on what service you are using, but I have never seen an incoming call showing "no caller ID". If it doesn't show a name I see the city and state or perhaps "TOLL FREE CALL". 

I don't believe that Malwarebytes uses the Caller ID for blocking, only the actual number is blacklisted and the first six digits of your area code and number are flagged as possible spoof. 

If you can determine the number they will call from, you should enter it into your Contacts to be certain it gets through and will show up as being from the Hospital.

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On 2/28/2019 at 10:34 PM, Scott63 said:

I’m in the same boat. I just stopped answering any call I don’t recognize. But it still rings constantly. Supposedly the FCC is trying to get the wireless provider to come up with a solution by end of 2019. 

Call your carrier and have them limit the number of rings, as you indicate "still rings constantly" or put the phone in a DO Not Disturb Setting at least for iPhones. Also whoever said to report each number to Malware is also correct. I do all three and have seen much improvement. And if I don't recognize a caller ID then don't answer I don't care if is was someone that really wanted to reach me as they would leave a voice mail.  PS: Apple Sr Techs recommended Malwarebytes to me for a nation-wide Safari scam which they could not fix. WHA-LA !  Malware stopped it immediately.

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  • 1 year later...

Malwarebytes does Nothing to block calls by itself unless you list in the App the call numbers you wish blocked. However, there is an App "AT&T Call Protect" I find incredible. It self identifies and auto blocks telemarketers. spam risk calls, fraud calls and much more. You can decide if you want them totally booked or change the settings by call type to allow them to go to your v-mail.  I find, as a Premium member of Malwarebytes for several years, that the product is useless both on scanning my computer and useless on my phone. It does Nothing. 

I would try AT&T Call Protect. I like others feel that people that who are blocked by the Call Protect app. will leave a v-mail for me if they are legit. Call Protect works incredibly accurately and well for me. It also maintains a list of phone number blocked for you to validate or review. After many years, Malwarebytes I find a waste of time and money.  And "yes" Apple also recommended Malwarebytes to me for a past Safari issue... but it has identified nothing since.

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