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Edge/Bing Search Engine top hit for MWB fake?

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I have just been setting up a new Win10 PC for my not very tech aware cousins with Edge/Bing as default search engine.

I notice that the number one hit for "Malwarebytes Premium" is not your main site but "buy.malwarebytes.com" titled:

Malwarebytes - Officical (sic) Site | Makes Antivirus Obsolete

If it is your site then you might want to spell Official correctly and if it isn't you probably want to get Bing to delist them and take appropriate action against the perpetrators. I am not sure how they could have intercepted one of your subdomains so perhaps it really is genuine but the blatant spelling mistake in the main title makes me very very suspicious.

Both domains resolve to e4800.e.akamaiedge.net [] so perhaps it really is a genuine site belonging to you with a massive typo in it.

It strikes me that far too many naive users will click on the first hit they see with "Malwarebytes" in it especially if it is in position #1 and your genuine site is at slot #4


Martin Brown


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It is an Advertisement in Bing.  It is not Malwarebytes' web site. Since it is identified as an Ad, blame the advertiser who profits from clicking on the link that goes to the Malwarebytes web site.



I could not reproduce that result.


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I know it is an advert in Bing (viewed from the UK on a clean PC) but it surely makes sense to warn the legitimate owner that somehow their product link is being subverted. 

I was under the impression that Bing would take down fake adverts for legitimate products if the genuine rights owner complained to them.

It is curious that the advert apparently points to the same hosting as MWB themselves use. It might be legit but the gross spelling mistake in the title does not inspire confidence.

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