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Getting message: "Real-Time Protection turned off"

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I'm getting a message that the "Real-Time Protection is turned off". I click the button to turn it on, then a few seconds later the message comes back. I am unable to turn it on at the control panel as well. All was working great until this started occurring a few days ago. I would appreciate a way to resolve the issue other than disabling Malwarebytes. Hopeing some one out there has an answer.


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I'm getting the exact same thing. I can't turn on "malware protection". The real-time protection message pops up for me as well and I click to turn it on but still, nothing happens.

I've tried reinstalling, rebooting, using the MB tool, and I'm currently on the latest update.

Nothing seems to work.


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Hello @coliwabl and :welcome:

For an accurate analysis to commence, please study the Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps sticky.

Please do not select Repair or Clean.  Only select Gather.

Then, attach the resulting archive/zip file 3YDDDvL.pngmbst-grab-results.zip to your next topic reply.

Thank you.

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We've just released a new beta version of Malwarebytes.

Details can be found here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/242033-mb37-beta/

Are you interested in giving this a try? We'd love to hear how you get on this this version and if you still experience the same issue or not. To install this beta version, please refer to the steps below.

  • Open Malwarebytes and click Settings followed by the Application tab.
  • Scroll down to Beta Application Updates and turn the option On.
  • Click OK when prompted.
  • Scroll back up and click Install Application Updates.
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