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Browser Extension V1.0.36 Blocking CNN Videos


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This applies to Chrome V71.0.3578.98 64-bit on Windows 10x64 Pro Build 17763.292 V1809 and Malwarebytes Browser Extension V1.36

CNN news videos are being blocked.




Edited by siliconman01
Corrected Version Number
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10 hours ago, rakeshsejwal said:

I just tried this URL https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/01/26/furloughed-federal-prison-workers-support-shutdown-blackwell-newday-vpx.cnn on version 1.0.36 and I don't see the block, can you please try and reload the page? 

Still being blocked although it appears to be a bit erratic.





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On 1/29/2019 at 7:53 PM, rakeshsejwal said:

this is pretty strange. 

Is it possible for you to drop the browser cache and re-install Malwarebytes Browser Extension?

I have isolated what is causing the Malware Browser Extension to perform inconsistently.  It is being caused by a cleaning module in CCleaner with Winapp2.ini implemented.  The subject  cleaning module is Google Chrome>Extensions Databases * on the Applications tab of CCleaner.  This module clears out %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome*\User Data\*\IndexedDB|*.*|RECURSE when CCleaner is executed.  This causes the Malwarebytes Browser Extension to issue False Positives such as what I am experiencing on www.cnn.com, crystalmark.info and https://cibng.ibanking-services.com.  The attached pics show the files affected.  I have posted this issue on the CCleaner forum at https://forum.piriform.com/topic/32310-winapp2ini-additions/?page=306&tab=comments#comment-303114

As to why this is only affecting my primary computer is a mystery to me. 😖




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2019 at 4:40 PM, rakeshsejwal said:

I am not sure why would they clean up extension DB?, and I am assuming that setting will apply to all extensions breaking all extensions with DB requirement. 

The [Extensions Database *] cleaning module has been removed from Winapp2.ini and is no longer an issue for users who add Winapp2.ini to the CCleaner set of cleaning modules.  

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