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Can Malwarebytes effectively find and remove Win Erx03?

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11 minutes ago, Gary_D_from_Canada said:

Looks like my browsers have been compromised. An annoying pop-up takes control, sounds a loud alarm and informs me my Windows system has been compromised.  So far Malwarebytes is not catching it.  I thought this would be exactly what Malwarebytes hunts and kills.

These support scams are often caused by JavaScript found in malformed ads on a web site you visit. As long as you do not click on anything on those scam pages, your system does not actually download anything. Installing an ad blocker extension in your browser can stop this type of scam redirect.

Check out the Malwarebytes browser extension beta for Chrome and Firefox and say goodbye to tech support scams and many other web threats!

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Similar to these ?

I have created a 1series of videos generated from these kinds of fraud sites for the purposes of recognition and education.  They are all  videos from real web sites.  ALL are FRAUDS.

All these have one thing in common and they have nothing to do with any software on your PC.  They are all nefarious web sites meant to defraud you of money. The objective is to, falsely, goad you to make the phone call and pay for some service contract for an incident that never happened.  From there they may continue to charge your Credit Card for other services, remote into your computer and do real damage and/or exfiltrate your personal data and they may use the information they obtain from you to commit additional frauds.


I have also created a PDF ScreenShow of a myriad of FakeAlert screens - FakeAlert-Screens.pdf  /  Flash Version

US FBI PSA - Tech Support Fraud
US FTC Consumer Information -  Tech Support Scams
US FTC - Tech Support Operators Agree to Settle Charges by FTC and the State of Ohio
US FTC - FTC and Federal, State and International Partners Announce Major Crackdown on Tech Support Scams
Malwarebytes' Blog - Search on - "tech support scams"
Malwarebytes' Blog - "Tech support scams: help and resource page"

1.  Also located at "My Online Security" - Some videos of typical tech support scams


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Attached is the file collected by Malwarebytes Support Tool.  Thank you for your assistance.  Hope you can crack this one.  It's very annoying and makes me wonder what damage it may be doing to my computer.

Sorry, I've not been able to capture the malicious link from my History file.  So far it seems to be only happening when I use the Edge browser.



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Thanks.  I have viewed so many FakeAlert sites it was relatively easy to get the screenshots.  The hard ones were from other countries.  They are added to show this is an International issue.  I will add it.  Obrigado

This is a kind of malvertisement and does not come from your PC.  It emanates from the Internet and exists as Browser based alerts and not something from some software on your PC.  MBAM won't "catch it" for that reason.  IFF Malwarebytes knows the URL of the FakeAlert it can be blocked so others will not see the malicious content.


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They seem to be dead links now.

In the future, such sites can be submitted in; Newest IP or URL Threats  after reading;  READ ME: Purpose of this forum

Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and grammar
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