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Adobe flash Player

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I keep getting a popup saying my version of Adobe Flash Player needs updating because of a security issue.  I may have in the past accidentally click on it and installed the "malware/adware".  I have since checked to see if an update for Adobe Flash Player is available thru preference and I am told it is uptodate.

When I run Malwarebytes I am told i am clean.

Do I have an issue

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36 minutes ago, MMichael said:

Do I have an issue

Most such popups come from JavaScript codes embedded in advertising on the website you are visiting and not from anything actually on your Mac. In your case, they may be legitimate since you say you did need an update. Always best to never click on such a popup and check with System Preferences. Even better, allow Flash Player auto updates.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear on this before. There is almost certainly no malware/adware on your Mac. The popup is being caused by so called "malvertising" on the sites you are visiting. About the only defense beyond ignoring the popups is to install an adware extension in your browser. If you can't see the advertising then you won't get the popups they cause.

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Hello @MMichael:

1 hour ago, MMichael said:

In response to 1PW my version of Malwarebytes is

In that case, @alvarnell's answer above is 100% applicable.  The popup you see then is certain to be a lure to download malware.


Question is I don't have PPAPI plug-in installed, is this an issue?

The so called Pepper Pot API (PPAPI) plug-in is an optional plug-in for the macOS compatible Opera or Vivaldi browsers if you also wish to reproduce a website's Flash Player content.  As with the NPAPI plug-in for the Firefox browser, these two plug-ins are optional.  Many websites have gone to a HTML5 based content to avoid the flash player's inestimable security shortcomings.

Hopefully you have installed the Malwarebytes for Firefox/Chrome Browser Extensions to offer another level of security while browsing.


Edited by 1PW
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