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Malwarebytes Support Tool

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The support tool does work, but not without some caveats, from my experience. This morning, after I booted my Win7 PC, my CPU jumped to 100% and my computer froze up solid,

requiring a reboot. After the second reboot, Malwarebytes Premium 3.6.1 produced an alarming popup warning that malware protection was OFF.  

This is the second time in two months that Malwarebytes' malware protection button became mysteriously turned off upon morning bootup, and THAT CONCERNS ME.

I opened Malwarebytes, entered my security password, and sure enough, the malwarebytes protection button was OFF, and it could not be turned back ON, not even by using the TURN ON button in the Malwarebytes popup.

So I downloaded the Malwarebytes support tool "mb-support-" from your support page and ran it.  It did something, then told me to restart, to complete the repair.

When I restarted, Malwarebytes was no longer installed on my PC...not listed under Programs and Features! And the Support Tool did not automatically restart. So I manually re-ran the support tool. This time, It said, "Running Repair Process" but gave no spinning ball or other indication that it was actually doing anything, although Windows Task Manager showed it as "running". After ten minutes, I was still waiting.

So I rebooted, and this time, realizing it might matter, I logged in as Admin.  This time, the support tool successfully repaired (reinstalled) Malwarebytes with all protections turned ON.

THIS IS NOT A GOOD SCENARIO. This does not give me confidence in Malwarebytes to have it occasionally have its malware protection turned off, mysteriously, and need to be 'repair-reinstalled' to restore my malware protection.

It would help if you could give some kind of credible, reassuring explanation as to how/why this happens and why it does not constitute a breach in protection.

Also, your repair instructions above do not specify that the user needs to be logged in as Admin in order to ensure that the tool will do its job.  If that is the case, you might consider adding that important bit of info to the instructions.

Otherwise I love the program; MWB works absolutely fine and in the past 4 years I have never had a malware incident (other than that it detected and blocked numerous malware-infested websites.)

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