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Windows 10 Pro Workstation 64?

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I'm looking at getting a PC that runs Windows 10 Pro Workstation 64.  Will MB3 work just as well with this OS as with Windows 10 Pro 64?  I'm assuming the answer would be relevant for a lot of other potential software.

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From the main site below, you can see that Windows 10 is supported so Yes it will run just fine...

Software requirements
Windows 10 (32/64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)
Windows 8 (32/64-bit)
Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later, 32/64-bit)*
Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later, 32-bit only)*
Active Internet connection

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It should be compatible, however it's also possible that it may require the business version since Workstation shares several features with Windows Server (the differences are documented here).  The main ones I'm concerned about are ReFS, Persistent Memory and, assuming you use one, a system with multiple physical CPUs (i.e. dual Xeons or Opterons etc.), plus, if you're going to install a massive amount of system memory, that may also be an issue.

I don't know for certain though, so a member of the Malwarebytes staff may need to weigh in.  I just know that it's possible that the consumer build may detect that version of the OS and/or the business class hardware (again, assuming that's what you're using) and refuse to install or it may not function properly if there are any compatibility issues with those features/system hardware configurations.

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Hi.  Those are good and important points.  For example, a P52 with a Xeon chip and 64GB ECC RAM might be considered in a different class?

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Yes, it definitely could assuming Malwarebytes uses server hardware detection to determine when it is being installed on a business class system/server.

I'll ask one of the members of Support to take a look and comment as I want to make certain that you are provided with accurate info before making any purchases so that we guide you to the right solution.

@LiquidTension, @AdvancedSetup could one of you address this please?


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29 minutes ago, exile360 said:

a system with multiple physical CPUs (i.e. dual Xeons or Opterons etc.), plus, if you're going to install a massive amount of system memory, that may also be an issue.

My workstation has Dual Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz with 32GB Ram and works perfectly fine... (showing 16 cores)

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