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Global virus does not all me to use on Google

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I tried to clean up my computer with both Avira and Malware and my Safari still does not allow me to open the google main page to do a search. At one point in the virus check a box popped up on google. The name was "global" and something other name. I have tried some of the techniques going into system preferences that I saw online to look for the malware, but I can't find it.   I can use yahoo, however, so that has been a lifesaver. I am unable to fix it. I can't use google maps, translator, search anything. So frustrated. Thanks for your help.

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I'm not sure that I understand what's happening. Are you actually unable to visit these Google sites, or do you just have a different page load when you open your web browser? What happens if you click one of the following links?




Does that take you to the appropriate site, or does it take you elsewhere?

I'm also unclear on the context of the message regarding outlook.live.com. That looks entirely normal, but did it pop up on its own, or did you follow some instructions online that led you to open that window?

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On 1/24/2019 at 3:11 PM, kite023 said:

Perhaps I have to be in another place rather than the command prompt desktop folder when I enter the commands?

I'm not understanding what you mean by this. Exactly what commands are you referring to and where did you find them?

If you have another browser available, do you have the same problem with it?

Log into you guest account and see if you can reach Google sites in Safari there.

Start up in Safe Mode (hold shift key down at startup), log into your account and try it there.

Do you have another computer or phone or tablet that you can try (in case it's a problem with your network instead of your Mac)?


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I followed the instructions you suggested:

1) "Also, be sure you check the other non-browser instructions since it seems to be impacting other Google apps"

2)  "How to remove WeKnow malware (and others) "

I have a PC and I don't have that problem, is only my  Mac. I can't get it to log into any google accounts- gmail, google maps, google translate with my Mac. I couldn't even get into a few other websites (I can't recall where but they were links to other sites, I guess they use some kind of google platform). I'll try the safe mode.


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This doesn't actually sound like it's being caused by malware currently installed on your system, since it persists in safe mode. (Safe mode will disable all third-party software.)

The exception would be browser extensions. Do you have any browser extensions installed in Safari? To check, open Safari's preferences, then click the Extensions icon in the preferences window.

If there are no extensions, the cause is likely either a problem with your network settings or a problem with your network itself. What happens if you move your Mac to a different network, or use a different device on your current network? Do you see the same problem in either case?

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Looking forward to results of using your Guest account and a different browser.

Also, could you open System Preferences->Network->Advanced button->DNS tab and take a screenshot to post back here.

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AdBlock is legit, I use the same thing here. So that means it's not being caused by anything installed on your computer. Since moving to another network also did not work, that means it's a network configuration issue.

In addition to the DNS info that Al requested in his latest message, I'd also like to see a screenshot of the contents of the Proxies tab that's in the same place as the DNS tab.

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