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"Unable to retrieve endpoint information" after going past 1500 endpoints


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Good morning!

We've been doing staged deployments of Malwarebytes Incident Response this month since we received our licensing, and since we've crested the 1500 endpoints mark, we've been receiving slow service on the cloud portal at best, and errors that it is unable to retrieve the endpoint information at worst.

I noticed this started happening on Sunday, is there a larger overall problem, or is this specific to my account?


Thank you!

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Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the data loading issues on the Cloud Console.

We sincerely apologize for the situation. We identified the issue yesterday where load times were elevated / failing on Cloud Console.

The issues were solved yesterday during an update which made the Console inaccessible for 10 minutes, during this time we adjusted the information processing.

We have reviewed the database load, page load times, and error rates since the database maintenance that was performed last night. Currently, the system is back in stable state and load times are back to normal. We will continue to closely monitor the database for any other issues that may arise.

If you are still seeing any issues or have questions, please reply to this thread.

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