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Can you provide a screenshot showing what was detected that has failed to be removed? Make a screenshot by following the directions here:


Attach the screenshot file, which will be found on the desktop, to a reply to this message.

Also, what version of Malwarebytes for Mac are you using? You can find out by opening the Malwarebytes app and choosing About Malwarebytes from the Malwarebytes menu.

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You've run into a bug with macOS Mojave. Without special permissions manually granted by you, Malwarebytes for Mac should not even be able to detect that file. In some cases, it seems that it can see the contents of that folder, but still cannot remove anything from it.

It's not particularly important to remove that, as those kinds of Safari extensions won't function on Mojave. However, it's annoying to have it show up there on every scan, so you can take the actions described here:


That will allow Malwarebytes to remove the file.

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