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We have several MacBook Pros running Chrome that have been infected with 'Defend Search'. This malware seems pretty sophisticated in that the first Google search page looks authentic and may be but as soon as you hit search, the page turns into 'Defend Search.' I am pretty experienced at removing malware from Macs, typically. This one is different and Malwarebytes has not removed it nor has it even detected it. Any suggestions?

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Some adware just makes changes to the browser settings without actually installing anything on the computer. If that's the case, MAXBAR1's suggestion should work.

However, if that doesn't work, you may have something else going on. If that's the case, please send me a direct message, by hovering your mouse over my name or avatar at left, then clicking the Message button. I'll need to collect more info.

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1 hour ago, andrewgvozd said:

actually you should delete suspicious profiles in your Mac

Yes, that is one of the steps included in the instructions MAXBAR1 recommended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, new to the forum and I'm having the same problem as the OP. Has there been any success in removing defendsearch from Chrome? Like the OP, Malwarebytes is not detecting defendsearch--all of its scans have been clean.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome but it didn't remove the malware. 

Any advice appreciated. Thanks!

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