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So I was called up by my uncle, telling me he had annoying and nasty pop ups when using Google Chrome.

I used my usual, Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner and they came up clean but the ads were still showing up.

Turns out, in Google Chrome notifications there were bad sites allowed. Removing them from the allowed list got rid off the annoying ads.

Does Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner scan the notifications part of Google Chrome or not?

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I'm honestly not certain if it does or not, though I do know that it does scan Chrome's preferences for malicious plugins/extensions and the like.  I'll have to check with the team to see if it checks the notifications/allowed list or not and will request that it be added if possible if it turns out that it does not.

If you have any further suggestions please don't hesitate to let us know.


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9 minutes ago, exile360 said:


I'm honestly not certain if it does or not, though I do know that it does scan Chrome's preferences for malicious plugins/extensions and the like.  I'll have to check with the team to see if it checks the notifications/allowed list or not and will request that it be added if possible if it turns out that it does not.

If you have any further suggestions please don't hesitate to let us know.


Google Chrome had no bad plugins/extensions, I checked them manually too.

I think it doesn't scan. This is the second time I'm cleaning a computer "infected" with bad sites allowed in Google Chrome notifications and the scans were clean.

I doubt that MWB and ADW both times missed these. Too bad I didn't remember the sites. If I come across a similar "infection" again, I'll make sure to post it here.

Edited by Beenthere
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No worries, if your hypothesis is correct about it not scanning then chances are that if they do address it, they'll likely build it with the same kind of heuristics that most of their other scanning components use meaning it will be likely to catch a lot of undesirable items and they've already got a pretty good collection of known malicious sites, ad servers and other undesirable websites thanks to the Web Protection component, the hpHosts database as well as the new browser extension beta (which you might try by the way if you haven't already, as it may block these, but even if not, it will still add a lot of protection to your browser).

You can check out the Malwarebytes browser extension beta here:


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