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What are you watching - Netflix and Others


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  • Root Admin

Since Netflix Is Now More Popular Than Cable, Broadcast TV, & YouTube I'm going to start a new topic where you can share what you're watching on Netflix


  1. Please do not link to websites that are not very well known. Links to unknown sites will be removed without notice.
  2. Common sites to link to for the show you're watching are Netflix, IMDB, Wikipedia, Official Website of the show
  3. Please give a brief description of the show so one does not have to visit a link to get a quick idea about the show. But do not post a huge plagiarized article about it.
  4. As with all posts on the forum, please keep all discussions and posts friendly and civil. It's okay not to like a show but no need to offend others that might like it.

At this time I'm not aware of a way to share a Netflix preview directly within a post like we can with YouTube but if you know or find a way please share with others. There is an official Netflix channel on YouTube though so one can typically post a trailer for it here.

I'll start my first show reply in my next post.


Since there are so many different streaming services now I'm going to open this up a bit more to other big-name streaming services.
NO illegal streaming sites are allowed. If you post an illegal site your post will be removed and you will be warned or possibly have your account banned


Edited by AdvancedSetup
Opened site to other streaming services
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  • Root Admin

Pine Gap
Pine Gap is an international political thriller which is set around the Australian and American joint defense intelligence facility at Pine Gap, south-west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia.

Official Website




The series follows operatives (travelers) whose conscious minds are sent back in time to take over the bodies of people in the moments before their deaths. It’s up to them to save the world from a post-apocalyptic future.




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A Good American

Summary courtesy of IMDb.com:

A Good American tells the story of the best code-breaker the USA ever had and how he and a small team within NSA created a surveillance tool that could pick up any electronic signal on earth, filter it for targets and render results in real-time while keeping the privacy as demanded by the US constitution. The tool was perfect - except for one thing: it was way too cheap. Therefor NSA leadership, who had fallen into the hands of industry, dumped it - three weeks prior to 9/11. In a secret test-run of the program against the pre-9/11-NSA database in early 2002 the program immediately found the terrorists. This is the story of former Technical director of NSA, Bill Binney, and a program called ThinThread.



Edited by exile360
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My fiancé and I have been watching a lot of Pokémon lately (from the beginning).  

I love it!!


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  • Root Admin

Hello @kortek and :welcome:


Please do not link to websites that are not very well known. Links to unknown sites will be removed without notice.

Common sites to link to for the show you're watching are Netflix, IMDB, Wikipedia, Official Website of the show

Please give a brief description of the show so one does not have to visit a link to get a quick idea about the show. But do not post a huge plagiarized article about it.

As with all posts on the forum, please keep all discussions and posts friendly and civil. It's okay not to like a show but no need to offend others that might like it.

Thank you



Edited by AdvancedSetup
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  • 3 months later...
  • Root Admin
6 minutes ago, exile360 said:

I'm watching Person of Interest (again; I love this show!):


Yes, I liked that show too @exile360 but I see someone is using VPN 🙂


I'm watching The Blacklist again - it had a long break and so many commercials when it was live that made it difficult to keep watching. Now that all 6 seasons are on Netflix it makes it much easier to watch.



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  • Root Admin

Could be. I block just about everything nowadays. Maybe my turning off everything is confusing Netflix - I have to enable features in an isolated tab to use Netflix nowadays.

How YouTube looks if I don't unblock it. The video still plays but that's it. You have to even search with another link or know the link.



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Wow, that's hardcore.  I don't get any ads or anything, but all of the normal content is still displayed (comments, recommended videos etc.) and I can still search on the page.  I have been using an extension called 'Dark Theme for Youtube, FB, Chrome' to make it dark mode though (that's the only site I use it for as I block Facebook completely of course).

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  • 4 months later...

I haven't gotten past episode one - it didn't click with me right away. I love sci-fi, so I likely just need to give it another chance like I did The Expanse.

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  • Root Admin

Oh.. I fully agree on that. Yes, the first couple episodes were a hard uptake but after that I got into it. Heros was a very slow start for me. Took me a couple times to get going with it. Sadly by the 3rd season it was already falling apart but the first 2 seasons were great I thought.




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I loved Heroes. I agree the first two season were likely the best. I liked how the 5th season ended and was hopeful on where it would go next, but I think it was too late to save.

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