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Since I've been having registry issues and BSOD's lately, along with now having slower scans and "hang ups" when it's scanning files tonight, I just wanted to make sure nobody else is having this problem. At first I've thought it was my hard drive, but I've done everything to check. I've used the hard drive company's (WD) SMART test software. That came back clear. The windows 7 memory diagnostics came back clear. So did chkdsk and scannow. So I'm sure at this point it's probably not my RAM or a failing hard drive. 

Which brings me to the topic at hand. It seems lately that when I scan with malwarebytes, that's when I start having problems. At first it was registry problems when I restarted my computer. Now it's causing scan hang ups, where it takes 20 seconds or longer to scan a specific file (but it does complete usually). At one point trying to stop the scan caused a BSOD and I don't know what to do. If anyone else is having problems related to scanning in general, please let me know. I would hate to not know that the problem is coming from MBAM scans themselves and thinking it's a hard drive problem or memory issue, which again, it might be even with all the diagnostics tests I've run that come back clear. 

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I'm sorry that you're having these problems.  They definitely sound like a hardware problem to me, most likely a drive issue as you suspect, however there are a few other things it might be (for example, the RAM as you mentioned already, though that's less likely based on some of the symptoms, at least in my opinion).  That said, before proceeding with any further troubleshooting/diagnostics, I would highly recommend backing up anything important to you on that drive to another location just in case it does turn out to be a failing drive as you don't want to lose any important data.  I would suggest backing up to an external storage device of some kind such as a USB flash drive or external drive if possible, but if those are not options, then perhaps an online cloud storage service if you have access to one or at least burning the data to CDs or DVDs if you have a CD/DVD burner and some blank discs handy.

Now, with all that being said, what's happening may be an issue that is simply made worse by scanning as performing a scan with Malwarebytes is a very resource intensive process, so if any component of your system is having issues, it could easily be made worse by running Malwarebytes scans (or scans with any AV/AM tool as they all typically tend to do rigorous scanning to check for things like rootkits and hidden malware etc.).

Besides that, just running a scan on the system shouldn't cause any issues with the system when the scan is not running, again, unless there is some kind of underlying hardware issue at the heart of it so this is still my primary suspect based on your description of the symptoms, however it would be a good idea, once your data has been backed up/secured off that system/drive, to proceed with getting the system thoroughly checked and the first place I would recommend starting is at our malware removal forums just to make sure this isn't being caused by some sort of infection or something on the system which is leading to these behaviors.  To do that, please read and follow the instructions found in this topic then create a new topic in the malware removal area including the requested logs and information by clicking here and one of our malware removal specialists will assist you in checking the system for threats and removing any that they discover.

If the system does turn out to be clear of infections but the problems are still occurring then the malware removal specialist will advise you on what to do next, or you can proceed to open a new topic in the general PC help area on this forum after that's done to seek assistance with troubleshooting the issues there, but please do not do so until the malware removal specialist has been able to check your system and assures you that it is clean.

Good luck, and I hope that this issue is resolved quickly.  Please let us know if there is anything else we might assist you with.


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