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UltraTax 18 (Thomson Reuters)


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We are having difficulty installing our 2018 tax software by  Thomson Reuters. (UltraTax 18). Thomson Reuters says it is an interaction with Malwarebytes Premium. Has anyone else had this problem?

However, I've tried uninstalling Malwarebytes completely, turning off the firewall, reinstalling UltraTax 18 and the program opens up. As soon as I apply updates to the program, it crashes and I get an error.   So I don't feel that Malwarebytes is the cause. 

Laura in Arkansas

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Hello, welcome to our business Forums Laura!

With the Malwarebytes completely uninstalled from the endpoint, there is very little reason to believe it is having any effect on the UltraTax software.

Can we test to see if this is affecting machines that have also not had Malwarebytes installed or have all machines on the network had Malwarebytes installed?


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If we have any test machine we can do a cleanup and reinstall or reimage or any machine to test without ever having Malwarebytes installed.

However with Malwarebytes completely uninstalled and no longer appearing in add/remove programs it is extremely unlikely that that Malwarebytes it causing that issue.


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I am having the exact same problem. When MalwareBytes is running UT18 is slow. When I stop the services it snaps back into place.
I assume there is a exclusion that needs to be put in place and am testing some exclusions.
Anyone else had any experience with this issue?

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