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I am getting false-positives on cmake-gui for code processing. Stange enough, it worked until yesterday...

the software originates here : https://cmake.org/download/

I tried removal / reinstallation

please advise




Datum beveiligingsgebeurtenis: 25-12-18
Tijd beveiligingsgebeurtenis: 11:44
Logbestand: 05e31de8-0832-11e9-962c-206a8aa1feff.json

Versie componenten: 1.0.508
Update pakketversie: 1.0.8483
Licentie: Premium

Besturingssysteem: Windows 10 (Build 16299.431)
Processor: x64
Bestandssysteem: NTFS
Gebruiker: System

-Details ransomware-
Bestand: 1
Malware.Ransom.Agent.Generic, C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake-gui.exe, Geblokkeerd, [0], [392685],0.0.0


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Can you zip and attach the exact file C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin\cmake-gui.exe

This since, when I download and install it from the link, I can't reproduce detection, so I want to make sure about the exact file.

Please temporary create an exclusion for this folder/file: 

* To add the exclusion, open Malwarebytes > Settings > Exclusions tab
* Below, click the button: "Add Exclusion"
* Then, select "Exclude a File or Folder" (this should be prechecked already by default)
* Click Next
* You'll see a field that says: "Specify a File or Folder" - there, click the button "Select Files..." and browse to the file you want to exclude.
* For "How to Exclude", select: "Exclude from detection as malware, ransomware or potentially unwanted item" (this is normally also selected by default already)
* Then click the OK button below.

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This should no longer be detected anymore.

In case it is, Quit malwarebytes from the systemtray.
Then navigate to the following folder:


In there, locate the file HubbleCache and delete it.

Restart Malwarebytes again. A new Hubblecache will then be created again, so it will properly pick it up and remember to not detect this anymore.

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